If you draw a corrective stroke anywhere where the arrows point to the right, the information from that stroke is propagated forward if you draw a corrective stroke anywhere where the arrows point to the left, information from that stroke is propagated backward. Little arrows in the span bar in the Layer panel show the direction in which the information is being propagated. The range of frames thus influenced by this base frame is its Roto Brush span. The segmentation information (the information about what is defined as foreground and what is defined as background) defaults to the entire duration of the layer, or to the duration of any empty durations if multiple spans are present. When you first draw a Roto Brush stroke, the frame on which you are drawing becomes a base frame. Use the toggles at the bottom of the Layer panel to view the matte results, or open the Composition panel to view the result in-context with other layers. (See Roto Brush & Refine Edge, Refine Hard Matte, and Refine Soft Matte effect reference.) Modify properties in the Refine Edge Matte property group as needed.

It is useful when dealing with mattes with soft edges or fine details like hair. There are also options that compensate for motion blur and decontaminating edge colors.
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GPU and GPU driver requirements for After Effects.Creative Cloud Libraries in After Effects.Share and manage changes with Team Project collaborators.Working with After Effects and other applications.Using the GoPro CineForm codec in After Effects.Rendering and exporting still images and still-image sequences.Automated rendering and network rendering.

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Use expressions to create drop-down lists in Motion Graphics templates.Work with Motion Graphics templates in After Effects.Examples and resources for text animation.Formatting paragraphs and the Paragraph panel.Formatting characters and the Character panel.Importing and interpreting footage items.Importing and interpreting video and audio.Importing from After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro.Precomposing, nesting, and pre-rendering.